This fantastic Yoga video will be a wonderful and fun part of your daily exercise program and part of your weekly a-z adventures! This 22 minute streaming video guides your students through different Yoga positions associated with each Zoo-phonics Animal! The video consists of two sections:
Still Positions
The “still” yoga positions in this video provide time for you to start and stop your video so you can help your children get into each yoga position. You can look at the position first and then give it a try! These yoga positions can be used in your weekly letter sound adventures! Over 22 minutes.
Moving Yoga Positions
This yoga video shows each yoga position as the instructor moves through them. You and your children can watch each yoga movement and position and try them at the same time! Try this video with your children once they are comfortable with each yoga position and can get into them quickly.
Great for all age groups, toddlers through early primary, even adults!
This is a streaming video and will not embed in other online platforms.
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