Word Search Beehive
Bubba Bear has hidden some words for your children to find in his beehive! (One of Bubba’s favorite foods is honey!). Can children find the words? See the Sign in the upper-right hand corner? Those are the hints. Children will use the arrows to see in which direction the words go. (Slant? Horizontal?) Once the word is formed, the sign will show a red check mark near the located word, so the child knows not to look for that word again.
Zeke Zebra will give him or her a start by giving him or her the word’s first letter sound. Or the child can be a super-sleuth and find the words on his or her own. The Walkie-Talkie is always available for a hint – just click on it! The initial letter will flash and go pink! The child will tap on the three letters that make the word, and the cells of the honey-hive will turn yellow if correct (and make a musical sound).
Zoophonia will appear to give compliments for a job well done and then will Signal and sound all the words. Encourage the child to Signal and sound with Zoophonia for extra memory support.
Zeke will call out the word that has just been Signaled and sound-blended. What a great team they are (and your child is PART of that team as she or he Signals and sounds along with them!).
Zoophonia will suggest that you try the Bonus Blends next by saying, “Don’t forget to sound-blend! Front to rear, can’t you hear? Sound blend, sound blend, read with your ear!”
Once the children have found the blends in the word search, the “team” will Signal and sound. The bees will come in and put all new words on the beehive!
IMPORTANT NOTE: This game takes skill and is a more advanced game. Preparation before the game is recommended. Remember, there are many games within this game, for extra practice and fun!
To select the word found in the Beehive, click once on the first letter of the word, then drag your mouse along the word and click again, once, on the last letter in the word. (Example: If the word is “cat,” first click on “c” and release the button, then drag your mouse along the word and click again on the last letter “t” and release.) The word should be highlighted.
Once you have found all the words in the Beehive, click on the Blender to search for more challenging words that contain blends. These are called ‘Bonus Blends’ and should be considered as “extra credit” words. Your advancement through the program does not depend on the Bonus Blends.
Lesson Objectives. The child will:
- learn word recognition
- learn strategies for sound blending through Signals and sounds
- learn to listen carefully and follow directions
- make decisions
- learn how to navigate and manipulate interactive elements on a screen using eye-hand coordination
You can purchase and download the full Read & Spell with Zoo-phonics Interactive Games HERE!
Windows 7, 8, or 10
1 GB RAM or more
10 MB hard drive space or more
HD Monitor (for full screen display)