Jumpstart Adventure Kit


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Get your toes wet with The Jumpstart Adventure Kit! This incredible Kit provides teachers with a quick way to “jumpstart” children who are still struggling with the alphabet, phonics, reading, spelling, and writing at any point in the school year. Zoo-phonics is so concrete, playful, physical, vervistic, and memorable, that children cannot help but gain critical literacy skills quickly. This Kit provides up-and-out-of-your seat activities crucial for children who “love to move and move in order to learn.” It contains instruction for all areas of literacy: alphabetics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary development, phonics, handwriting, reading, spelling, writing; reading groups, and how to read “closely.” This Kit has been created for toddlers, preschoolers, Transitional Kindergartners (TK’s), kindergartners, and 1st graders. The Jumpstart Adventure Teacher’s Guide is designed to get teachers started right away with or without a workshop. (Workshops are available.)


  • Jumpstart Mini-Adventure Teacher’s Guide
    • Also Included: a digital download of the full Jumpstart Adventure Teacher’s Guide (in PDF format)
  • Jumpstart Activity WILD Cards
  • Jumpstart Assessments
  • Large Animal Alphabet Cards with Merged Animal/Letters on reverse side and set of matching Lowercase Letters
  • Merged Capital Letters
  • Alphabet Grid Set* (8.5” x 14”): Animal, Merged Animal, Lowercase Letter, Merged Capital and Capital Letter
  • Music That Teaches – 5 downloadable songs in MP3 format
  • Safari Sid’s Signal Practice Video (streaming video)
  • Zoo-Instructional Videos – 3 online videos to guide new users in the use of the Zoo-phonics Multisensory Language Arts Program
  • Zoo-Kids Signal Poster
  • Zoo-Alphabet Buddies Poster

*These materials are reproducible.
Printed materials and digital content licensed for one classroom / user only.