Read and Spell with Zoo-phonics Game 02 – Zoo-phonics Animal Parade

Game 02 - Zoo-phonics Animal Parade




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Zoo-phonics Animal Parade

Join Zoophonia in a parade with your favorite Zoo-phonics Animal Friends!  Do you remember the song “Come Meet Us at the Zoo” from Zoophonia’s Address Book?  Sing along with the music to help learn and memorize the Alliterative Names of the Animals, “a – z.”

Every time your children want to hear the song and see the Animals, they can click on the Flags with the Musical Notes.  Remind children to Signal and sound as each Animal passes by!  They can even guess who will appear next by looking at the Merged Animal Letters on the strip on the wall. If you are working together as a class on the SmartBoard, you can ask, “Who is coming next?” Children will begin to predict, which develops alphabetical order skills, and critical thinking skills.

Tell children that they can exit the Animal Parade by clicking on the Zoo Sign.

Lesson Objectives. The child will:

  • meet the Animal Friends
  • learn the song, “Come Meet Us at the Zoo”
  • learn a-b-c order
  • follow directions
  • make decisions
  • learn how to navigate and manipulate interactive elements on a screen, using eye-hand coordination